Windows 7 can be downloaded again

by :Susetyo Dwi Prihadi

The high willingness of the community in trying the beta version of Windows 7. After the previous close, Microsoft has now re-open it.

The desire of the community of Windows 7 was quite high. This is evident with the high traffic on the site visitors who want to download Microsoft applications in this new computer. Due to this, Microsoft had time to close the site.

However, the company founded by Bill Gates, does not want people wait to long at the same time keeps it's high, for now Windows 7 be downloaded again. Section, Microsoft has improved the capacity sites. So, even though many visitor the download in the same time, will not have trouble.

We want to ensure the best experience for consumers download time, and now it is downloadable Windows again," said Microsoft spokesman in blogs, such as writing a PC World, Sunday (11/1/2009).

However, you have to compete hard with other Windows lover around the world. Because, Microsoft only 2.5 restrict visitors only. So, when it is reached, then Windows 7 could not have been downloaded for free anymore.

If you still have any interest, you can download the official Microsoft site, at

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