Virus Destroy computer network 2 countries

By : Stefanus Yugo Hindarto
Computer virus was reported property damage to the computer network of the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Bulgarian Ministry of Health New Zealand. The virus is not known to make a random system and crippling computer operations at several departments in the two ministries is.

According to the Minister of Home Affairs Bulgaria Mihail Mikov, a virus that is not known his name was estimated infecting computers since Thursday last week.

Such as the published Softpedia, Tuesday (13/1/2009) virus has been crippling the operation of some units of departments can not be forced to make the transfer documents or other activities that use the computer.

Mikov said, at this time ministries are working to clean the virus from the computer network. ? This is not only happening here, other countries also have experience? Milov said.

Not far different from the Bulgarian Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Health New Zealand is also experiencing similar things and are working to anticipate the computer virus that is very difficult to clean.

Deputy Health Minister of New Zealand Alan Hesketh, said e-mail system in the Ministry of Health computer network has been infected with a virus since last week. The ministry expressed its own very difficult to clean the virus because the virus continues mutation.

"The virus continues mutation, when we had the virus A, then B virus came, and we are forced to work with vendors to clean the virus," said Hesketh.

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Chairil Umri said...

ini bi

mangtabs blog nya bi

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

bermanfaat bgt nih..
Q jdi ngerti ttg virus komputer
